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Children & Teenagers

Mindfulness & Philosophy workshops:

Having followed what we called the ¨ parcours SEVE¨ - or the SEVE journey - I have the ability to facilitate workshops for children and teenagers. Most of the time, they are between 6/7 to 18. 

The first few minutes are dedicated to mindfulness, which allow us to be present and in touch with our emotions, then we start with our philosophy practice. Children and teenagers think together as a communtiy of researchers and explorers, they let their ideas flow and build together a discussion. They learn to think by themselves and to listen to one another.

We focus upon the world of the emotions, nonviolent communication, cooperation, team building for a better ¨living together¨. We use games and exercises to build their confidence and to develop real-life skills.


We explore themes such as friendship, happiness, justice, bullying, education or whatever they feel like exploring.


My goal is to co-create a space that allows connection instead of driving disconnection. A space where children and teenagers learn to develop the critical mind and to grow in humanity, a space where they can learn fearlessly and express themselves freely, a space for them to listen to one another and most importantly to live together in a more peaceful way 


Eygalières, Provence


Lycée français de San Francisco


Algarve International School

Background & Experience

- Fondation SEVE - Savoir Être et Vive Ensemble, Marseille 2018
- Rainbow Kids Yoga, São Paulo 2018
- Volunteer : coaching with Girls on the Run, San Francisco 2109

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