Therapy & Coaching

Claire Battistella
One-on-one sessions
French, English & Spanish
EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique
Ritmo - a technique derived from EMDR

Our responsibility is to create joy
EFT Workshops
A mind & body technique that combines the principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology

A non-judgmental, gentle & forgiving technique

Women´s Circles & Oracle Reading
A sacred space to open the portal of our heart & connect to our inner guidance.
Beauty & flowers delight our world
E urgente o amor, e urgente permancer
About Me
Hello, I´m Claire. Thank you for reading through my site, I look forward to meeting you.
I´m a multilingual and multicultural therapist who brings 10 years of experience in human behavior.
I truly believe that we are much more than we think we are.
My philosophy is anchored in the belief that we all have the ability to transform ourselves and to create resilience.
I therefore use techniques and modalities to support growth, transformation and resilience, providing a solid grounding for your goals to flourish.
Originally from France, I spent most of my adult life abroad and have now established myself in Lisbon, Portugal, where I promote connection and authenticity through one-on-one sessions, workshops & retreats.
Like the hummingbird who carries in its beak a tiny drop of water to put out the fire, I amm doing my best to humbly contribute to the healing of the world.